
Open a Contract

Open both a subscription and pay-as-you-go contract (not at the same time, as only one contract is allowed open at a time between a provider and client/delegate) with the sole data provider.

$ PROVIDER="tarkeo..." # the provider's pubkey
$ SERVICE="btc-mainnet-fullnode"
$ CTYPE=0 # contract type, 0 is subscription, 1 is pay-as-you-go
$ DEPOSIT=<amt> # amount of tokens you want to deposit. Subscriptions should make sense in that duration and rate equal deposit
$ DURATION=<blocks> # number of blocks to make a subscription. There are lower and higher limits to this number
$ RATE=<rate> # should equal the porvider's rate which you can lookup at (`curl | jq .`)
$ SETTLEMENT_DURATION=<duration> # this number should equal the same number
$ QPM=<queries per minute> # this set the rate limit for the contract. A
higher value will come with a higher cost
$ AUTH=0 # defines if the contract has strict authorization (0)  or open (1)
$ DELEGATE="" # if you'd like to have a different private key spend from the
contract, but that pubkey here

that the data provider has configured for themselves
$ arkeod tx arkeo open-contract -y --from <user> --keyring-backend file --node "tcp://" -- "$PROVIDER" "$SERVICE" "<your pubkey>" "$CTYPE" "$DEPOSIT" "$DURATION" $RATE $QPM $SETTLEMENT_DURATION $AUTH $DELEGATE

Contract Configuration

After a contract is open, there are some attributes that are configurable by the contract owner. Attributes such as IP white listing, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), and per user rate limiting.


In order to read or write a contract configuration, the contract owner (with their private key) needs to authenticate with the data provider. This is done by making a GET or POST request with a signature. That request will look something like

GET http://<data provider ip

The <id> is the contract id, <nonce> is an integer that is larger than the last one. While this number is somewhat arbitrary, the recommendation is to use the current epoch. If you need more granularity than per second, use milliseconds. And the <sig> is the signature of <id>:<nonce>. The signature produce should be hex encoded into a string for transmission (sample]. There is also a command line tool to creating this signature in the arkeo codebase, called signhere


When making a GET request, you will get back some JSON structured like so.

    "contract_id": 1234,
    "last_timestamp": 1684884769,
    "per_user_rate_limit": 10, // NOTE: represented in per minute basis
    "white_listed_ip_address": [
    "cors": {
        "allow_origins": ["*"],
        "allow_methods": ["GET", "POST"],
        "allow_headers": ["header1", "header2"]

Once you have the current state of the contract configuration. You can alter/change any aspect to the json and POST it back to the data provider

Close a Contract

If the contract is a subscription, it can be cancelled. Pay-as-you-go isn’t available to cancel as you can stop making requests as a form of cancelling (providers can cancel though). Closing a contract should also trigger a payout to the provider.

$ arkeod tx arkeo close-contract -y --from <user> --keyring-backend file --node "tcp://" -- arkeopub1addwnpepqtrc0rrpkwn2esula68zl3dvqqfxfjhr5dyfxy3uq97dssntrq8twhy9nvu btc-mainnet-fullnode "<your pubkey>"

Last updated